Educating Preschoolers, Pensioners, & Everyone In Between
Book List
Preschool / Kindergarten / Grades 1- 4
The New Speaking Of Sex - Meg Hickling R.N.
Boys, Girls, And Body Science - Meg Hickling R.N.
Body Smart Right From The Start - Kerri Isham
Beautiful Girl - Christine Northup M.D.
Amazing You - Gail Saltz
What Makes A Baby - Cory Silvrberg
Grades 4 - 7
T he Period Book - Karen Gravelle & Jennifer Gravelle
It's Perfectly Normal - Robie H Harris & Michael Emberly
Puberty: Coming To A Body Near You - Kerri Isham
The Facts Of Life - Jonathan Miller & David Pelham
Sex Is A Funny Word - Cory Silverberg & Fiona Smyth
S.E.X - Heather Corinna
It's Perfectly Normal - Robie H. Harris & Michael Emberley
Pride - Robin Stevenson
The Care & Keeping of You - Valerie Schaefer
The New Our Bodies, Ourselves - BWHBC
Body Smart Right From The Start - Kerri Isham
Puberty: Coming To A Body Near You - Kerri Isham
The New Speaking Of Sex - Meg Hickling R.N.
Talk Sex Today - Saleema Noon & Meg Hickling
​I'll Show You Mine - Wrenna Robertson
Come As You Are - Emily Nagoski
Vagina - Naomi Wolf
Pussy: A Reclamation - Regena Thomashauer
Hygieia: A Woman's Herbal - Jeannine Parvati
For Yourself - Lonnie Barbach
​New Menopausal Way - Susun S. Weed
Is It Hot In Here? Or Is It Me? - Barbara Kantrowitz & Pat Wingert Kelly
What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Menopause - John R. Lee & Virginia Hopkins
The Wisdom Of Menopause - Christiane Northrup M.D.
Phone Resources
Kids Help Phone
Kids Help Phone is Canada's only toll-free, 24-hour, bilingual and anonymous phone and web counselling service for children and youth. Professional counsellors are available to support youth across the country.
Hot Line: 1-800-668-6868
Sex Sense Line
Options For Sexual Health runs this free, nonjudgmental, confidential and anonymous phone line which is staffed by registered nurses, sexual health educators, and trained volunteers. Questions about sex, contraception, sexually transmitted infections, pregnancy and pregnancy options including parenting, adoption, and abortion information, sexual orientation, sexual assault and anything to do with sexuality are entertained.
Hot Line: 1-800-SEX-SENSE
Youth In BC
Youth In BC is a program of the Crisis Centre and it connects youth with support, information and resources.
Greater Vancouver: 604-872-3311
Howe Sound & Sunshine Coast: 1-866-661-3311
TTY: 1-866-872-0113
The Seniors' Distress Line: 604-872-1234
Here To Help
Here To Help ​is BC Partners for Mental Health and Addictions Information project. They are a group of seven leading mental health and addictions non-profit agencies that have been working together since 2003 to help people manage mental health and substance abuse problems. They offer many forms of support.
BC Mental Health Support Line: 310-6789
Suicide Help Line:1-800-784-2433)
Website Resources
Scarlet Teen - Sex education for the real world. A fun and funky resource site for teenagers that tackles many subjects like body image, gender, pregnancy, and so on. Also includes message boards and live chat for anyone needing assistance right away.
Youth Co - Youth leading the HIV and Hep C movement. This is a peer-led agency that works to reduce the impact of stigma related to HIV and Hep C. An organization of young leaders who work to affect meaningful change through peer support, education and community engagement and striving to foster inclusive communities where youth empower youth to make informed decisions about our own well-being.
Options For Sexual Health - An organization working to celebrate sexual health of British Columbian citizens by supporting, providing, and promoting inclusive and accessible health care and education.
Sex & U - This is an initiative of the Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada. Sex & U takes a real-life approach to the questions and issues around sex and provides relevant information and education on sex, lifestyle choices, contraception, and STIs.
Gurl - A fabulous site that is building a community for young women to explore their changing bodies, emotions, and thoughts. It is resourceful, fun, and interactive.
Sex, Ect. - Both a website and magazine, Sex, Ect. is working to improve sexual health for teens across the country. They answer questions about sex, relationships, pregnancy, birth control, sexual orientation and more!
Saleema Noon - A group of Sexual Health professions that are intent on providing safe, inclusive, and practical information to children, teens, and parents.
BLUSH - VCH - A branch of Vancouver Coastal Health, BLUSH is a peer-to-peer education program that works with youth aged 12-18 to provide opportunities to explore attitudes, values, and behaviours that support sexual health for life-long impact.
Women's Health Matters - A Canadian source for trusted, evidence-based and timely information on women's health.
The Ultimate Birth Control Site - As it says in the title, this site is an extensive list of links for information about contraceptives.
Womyns' Ware - This is the website for the popular sex store in Vancouver. This amazing little shop seeks to 'celebrate anyone who wants to explore their sexual expression in greater depth'. By rebuffing media that tells us how sex should look, they are breaking down the stigma of sexuality and sexual health.